Jerusalem - Talbiya and German Colony
Talbiya – Hear the stories behind these homes, magnificently designed and constructed in Jerusalem during the British mandate. Who were these affluent Orthodox Christians? What happened to these properties after the establishment of the State of Israel? Who owns them now? See the homes of Golda Meir, Ord Wingate, Haim Hazzaz and Martin Buber. Who supplied automobiles and food to the British authorities, purchased most of the Talbiya lands only to flee the country in 1948? Where was the partition plan map drawn? Enter Conrad Schick’s restored Hanson House, originally a lepers' asylum now used by the Bezalel Academy.
Other special surprises await….
Lunch on Emek Refaim. Wide selection of restaurants or bring your own and sit along the old railway turned green park.
German Colony – Who were the German Templers? How did their aliya compare with the Jewish aliyot of the same period? What impact did the Tempers have throughout the country. Visit this extraordinary neighborhood with lush gardens to hear about day-to-day life in the late 19th and early 20 centuries. Peek inside some of these homes and descend into a wine cellar built by the Tempers and is still in use.